Completion Time

1 hour 20 min

Course Objectives

Tap into your purpose to understand why you gravitate towards certain roles and experiences.
Discover the passions and strengths that drive you.
Elevate your impact by remaining intentional to what your needs are.
Trust your instincts when exploring a  career change or new role.
Enjoy increased energy from being of service using your natural talents.
Explore avenues that feel aligned so that success feels significant.

Be Clear on Your 'Why'

CLICK HERE to share your commitments below!


"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman, Philosopher

Being clear on your life purpose and how you are meant to express it is one of the  most important actions that successful people take to design the life and career that they want. Greater meaning means greater fulfillment. Greater fulfillment means greater success.

Your purpose isn't something you need to create; it's already determined. Your only job is to discover it and own it. Find meaning behind the work that you do by having clarity on what it is that drives you. Step into action doing things that bring you joy so you can find the energy and motivation to pursue your professional goals with confidence. Feel enthusiastic exploring work that you feel called to and which feels meaningful.

To read subtitles, click the CC Closed Captioning  button on video play bar.

Download Action Guide Workbook

Passion Card Kit 💗

Use this Word template to print your passion cards. These were sized to easily fit into your purse or pocket. You can resize and adjust your passion card sizes based on your preference. You are given two formats, one with bullets and one without. Print and complete what you have identified as passions that would bring more joy into your life.  Share them with others! Encourage them to share their passions with you!

Download the original Passion Card image with bullets.

Download the original Passion Card image without bullets so you can write in your own intention around a single passion.  Print one individually for each one!

Guided Life Purpose Visualization

Find a quiet uninterrupted space. Close your eyes and have your workbook or if you prefer a journal nearby, to write down or draw anything that showed up for you .

Listen below.

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