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Self-Promote with Ease and Authenticity

Welcome!  Please listen to the introduction of  this module below before you get started:

Gain clarity on what you bring to the table as a professional expert in your field. Before you can talk the talk and share your knowledge, whether it be in a small meeting room or speaking in a larger venue, you will step back and recognize for yourself what you have accomplished given your track record and what it is that you DO brilliantly which attracts others to enjoy working with you recognizing your professional expertise. Be comfortably confident in all of your communication, rooted in what you know given your unique personality and experience which you may not be owning right now. This module lays the foundation for showcasing your value as a professional expert who delivers on specific recognizable results, thereby attracting others to you, where you are being yourself, instead of feeling like you are selling yourself.  You will also cover ways in which you will be comfortably confident being your own publicist because you will have stepped back and looked at all the achievements you have under your belt which you may not be seeing right now. You will focus on your key influential soft skills, which easily get swept under the rug, yet are the driver to people hiring you and keeping you in mind for new opportunities.

If you are a Small Business Owner, consider your set of clients, your results, your product, your metrics and how you position yourself uniquely for those who look to you for support and services.

Note: The Life Purpose Exercise mentioned in the video can be downloaded and found here in the  "Be Clear on your Purpose" Module. 

Training Video 1:

Training Video 2:

Uplevel your image online

If you haven't yet, please schedule taking a professional photo. If time or money is at all a consideration, good news; any phone or inexpensive camera can take a really good shot of you. Given the smaller size devices, people will likely be viewing beautiful you online, the resolution doesn't have to be as perfect as though you were for example blowing up a huge portrait of you on your wall. Let's remove the perfection gene.

Something like this photo can work, where you are wearing a suit, blazer and your power color. Red or blue are very confident colors you can wear. Your clothes build confidence. Your smile builds confidence. Your belief in yourself builds confidence. Have fun with this and when you have it, please send it on to us at:  Post this to your Linkedin Profile and everywhere else you make an impression online!

The Energy behind Compliments

Compliments are gifts – if you don’t accept the abundance coming your way, then you won’t attract abundance in your business, practice or career. It’s a simple formula. It’s the universe’s way of reminding you that you were put here with a purpose. Once you say “yes” to that purpose, (via accepting compliments, owning your strengths, recognizing your worth) you put out a feeling. It’s an energetic frequency to those contracted to work with you: clients, partners, employees.

More Training and Resources

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Enjoy four BONUS Audio Training mp3 files below, to listen to as you step through this module. Leverage all that you know, lead with that expert knowledge, show up as the Thought Leader you are.

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